Elijah Manor @elijahmanor has a great article on his blog titled Angry Birds of JavaScript Series. In an interesting format, he describes how a "flock of birds" fight some pigs to get their front-end JavaScript architecture back. Elijah has in-depth coverage of the material on his blog, which I highly suggest you read. O'Reilly recently posted a video where he recapped slides within about an hour (video embedded below).
Elijah describes many options and pros and cons of some popular tools. I created this short list of tools for quick reference in the future. Now to integrate these into a CI tool such as Teamcity or Jenkins.
Quick List
- Help write clean consistent code and detect errors or problems
- MV* Application Structure, Templates & Patterns
- Backbone.js
- handlebars - Templates
- JavaScript Patterns - factories, decorator, etc.
- Mocking & Testing
- prototyping and unit testing with Mockjax & mockJSON responses
- PhantomJS & QUnit (I added these two as testing wasn't the major focus of his article)
- Automate all above and more
- Grunt - task runner to run above tools in build system